Saturday, September 30, 2017

Three common travel photography mistakes to avoid

You don’t have to be a professional travel photographer to take stunning photos. But it does take skill, and sometimes a lot of beginner photographers make rookie mistakes, and end up disappointed with their shots. Fortunately, there’s a way to avoid these mistakes. 

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Here are three common travel photography mistakes you should avoid. 

1. Not knowing your setting Say you want to take a photo of the iconic Giza Tower, only there’s a crowd blocking the scene. If there’s a place you want to photograph, knowing about the location ahead of time, when it has a lot of traffic, and when it’s accessible is a must. 

2. Strictly shooting from eye-level If you want your photos to stand out among the thousands of pictures taken from the Eiffel Tower, for example, look from different angles to shoot from. Only shooting from eye-level makes your photos generic. 

3. Carrying too much gear When you travel, travel as light as possible, you only want some beautiful shots of your travels. You don’t want to tag around twenty pounds of gear to get them. While it’s tempting to bring all your gear, one or two lenses should meet most of your needs. 

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Hi, I’m Allen R. Hartman. I’m a retired photographer specializing in landscape and wildlife subjects. Visit my blog to get more tips and tricks about photography.